(February 2023) – Welcome to 2023 KAHRMM Member! Another year is taking off, and there's much to be accomplished.
(February 2023) – No annual KAHRMM membership dues for 2023!
(February 2023) – Materials Management, and all the departments that comprise us, are really service departments.
(December 2021) – The last two years have proven to be a very weird, stressful and aggravating time for everyone, especially for those of us in the healthcare supply chain.
(December 2021) – The KAHRMM Board held a strategic planning meeting in McPherson on Nov. 12.
(December 2021) – As I was driving home from the KAHRMM Strategic Planning Meeting, I had plenty of time (four hours) to reflect on KAHRMM ... the conception of the organization through today and what the future may hold for KAHRMM.
(December 2021) – How many cargo ships are waiting to get to a dock? There aren't enough customs' personnel to check the ships in. There aren't enough truck drivers to deliver the product to its destination. Why can't we hire people when the news is telling us the unemployment rates are the lowest since COVID began? The questions go on and on.
(December 2021) – Rebecca Flora, director of materials management, Phillips County Health System, Phillipsburg, and member of KAHRMM, has graduated from the Kansas Hospital Association Leadership Institute Class of 2021.
(December 2021) – AHRMM is reaching out to supply chain professionals to promote eLearning Bundles on sale at 50 percent discounts for members and non-members of AHRMM now through Jan. 31, 2022, by using the code NEWYEAR2022.
(November 2021) – Fall is in the air! And, believe it or not, the holidays are looming around the corner. I am so happy we were able to get in the Golf for education in October.
(November 2021) – I don't want to put a damper on your hopes for any immediate resolutions to our shared struggles, especially heading into the weekend. However, in an effort to keep you informed, I felt it would be pertinent and informative to share with you a notice we just received from one of our supply partners (whom shall remain unnamed).
(November 2021) – Fall is a beautiful time of year. We enjoy the temperatures cooling off and love to look at the newly changing colors of the leaves on the trees.
(November 2021) – Many golfers have been frustrated with their golf clubs and have been known to slam them into the ground, throw them into trees, down the fairway and even into the nearest water hole (big or small) even though it's not the club's fault a bad shot was made, but operator error.
(November 2021) – AHRMM is in the process of recruiting volunteers to serve on a number of Committees … Annual Conference Education Committee, Education Committee, Nominating Committee, Chapter Relations Committee, Fellow Review Committee, and Membership Committee.
(October 2021) – I hope this newsletter finds everyone doing well and enjoying the cool down in the weather.
(October 2021) – Your hospital has just been targeted by a cyberattack. Seem impossible? Perhaps not.
(October 2021) – The KAHRMM Drive for Education and Fall Educational Program will be Oct. 11 and 12, 2021 in Salina.
(October 2021) – If you were unable to attend the AHRMM21 Conference & Exhibition in Nashville or the AHRMM 21 Virtual Conference, you are able to access the conference sessions by purchasing the on-demand conference.
(September 2021) – I just returned from the AHRMM convention in Nashville on Aug. 23-25, where I, along with Dale Montgomery, accepted another Diamond Chapter award from AHRMM on behalf of KAHRMM for 2020-2021.
(September 2021) – As you can imagine, the majority of the sessions at the AHRMM conference recently centered around or at least ended up talking about how the healthcare supply chain handled (and unfortunately still handling) the COVID-19 pandemic.
(September 2021) – If you were unable to attend the AHRMM21 Conference, AHRMM has provided a virtual conference providing many educational opportunities to further your education and network with your peers.
(September 2021) – The KAHRMM Board has two board positions and the president-elect position that needs to be filled.
(August 2021) – The Delta variant is making its presence known and sending some cities back a few steps with mandates. With that being the case, I hope this finds everyone healthy and well.
(August 2021) – Our culture has progressed to one that encourages us to focus on all of us working together for a common goal.
(August 2021) – It is time to begin the process for electing KAHRMM Board members for 2022. The president-elect and possibly three board positions will be on the ballot.
(August 2021) – The Annual AHRMM Conference is just around the corner. AHRMM21 Health Care Supply Chain Innovate. Engage. Connect will be Aug. 23-25, 2021, in Nashville, TN.
(August 2021) – As reported in the Aug. 13, issue of Current Report, a subcommittee of the Kansas Hospital Association Board has been established to review the feasibility of hosting the 2021 KHA Annual Convention and Trade Show in person.
(August 2021) – The Kansas Hospital Association and the Kansas Board of Regents have again teamed up to create the Top Health Care Careers in Kansas.
(July 2021) – hope the summer finds everyone doing well and things are going along as planned. I think we are finally ready to try to move forward with KAHRMM events and look forward to seeing everyone again.
(July 2021) – When I interviewed for the position of director of purchasing at Ness County Hospital, I don't think they realized how much I meant it when I said, "I love to organize."
(July 2021) – COVID 19 is having a significant impact on the global supply chain for PPE. The strain on the supply chain is still being felt this year. This is your regular communication to keep you informed of the changes occurring in this dynamic situation.
(July 2021) – This article was published by the Kansas Hospital Association in the June 25th issue of KHA's Current Report newsletter.
(June 2021) – Greetings fellow KAHRMM members, I hope this finds everyone doing well. The KAHRMM Board met face-to-face on May 14, 2021, in McPherson, for the first time since January 2020.
(June 2021) – Making a Case for 'Just in Case' or 'When Is Too Much Enough?' They are tried and true, and they rarely, if ever, fail us. One of those long-held concepts in our profession is the practice of just-in-time.
(July 2021) – AHRMM is offering three ways to participate in its educational programs. AHRMM21 (in-person conference) and AHRMM21+ (virtual conference) are the leading education and networking events for the health care supply chain.
(June 2021) – Written by Chad Austin, president and CEO, KHA
Originally published in the May 21 issue of KHA's Current Report weekly newsletter.
(May 2021) – Spring has sprung, and things are loosening up for some gatherings. As a matter of fact, the KAHRMM Board will be meeting in person Friday, May 14, in McPherson, for the first time since January 2020.
(May 2021) – How We Built a Clinical Supply Optimization Program at The University of Kansas Health System
Written by Janie Ott, MBA, system vice president, Supply Chain
Originally published in the Journal of Healthcare Contracting April 2021
(May 2021) – Information on the AHRMM21 Conference, Aug. 9-11, 2021, in Boston, MA. Information on a virtual conference, Sept. 14-16, 2021, as a hybrid.
(May 2021) – Join Us in Urging Kansans to 'Catch Up On Care'
Written by Chad Austin, president and CEO, KHA
Originally published in the April 25 issue of KHA's Current Report weekly newsletter.
(April 2021) – Greetings from the KAHRMM Board and myself. I hope this finds you doing well and full of hope that the newness of spring can bring.
(April 2021) – This is a call to all the CMRP's out there about pursuing your Fellow through AHRMM.
(April 2021) – KHA continues to support KanCare Expansion and the benefits it will bring to Kansas.
(April 2021) – On April 9, 2021, AHRMM will be hosting a webinar entitled, "Women in Health Care Supply Chain: More Than Just Supplies." On April 27, 2021, AHRMM will be hosting a webinar entitled "Post-COVID Inventory Methods and Management: Supply Chain as a Mission-Critical Function."
(March 2021) – I hope March finds everyone doing ok, and you survived the arctic blast a few weeks ago. In my opinion, it can wait another 20 years or so before it does it again.
(March 2021) – As I was getting ready for work this morning and listened to the local news, I heard the best story!
(March 2021) – This month, as we march into spring, I'll be reaching out to KAHRMM members to confirm the contact information we have on file is still correct.
(March 2021) – AHRMM has come out with the new Policies and Procedures Manual for the Health Care Supply Chain, 2nd Edition. The manual contains more than 160 revised and new policies and procedures for the current leading practices in supply chain.
(March 2021) – APS and KHA want to update members on the natural gas pricing crisis that occurred during February and how it may affect your natural gas bills in the coming months.
(February 2021) – I hope this finds all of our KAHRMM members and families doing well and staying safe.
(February 2021) – What reps need to know about different types, requirements, claims and standards of gowns used in medical settings.
(February 2021) – KHA works yearly with the Office of Local Government, K-State Research and Extension, to produce The Importance of the Health Care Sector to the Kansas Economy.
(February 2021) – KAHRMM loves having you as a member and invites you to renew your 2021 membership if you haven't received an email notice in December advising that your 2020 membership dues are extended through 2021.
(February 2021) – The KAHRMM Board met via conference call on Jan. 20, with Mike Morgan calling the meeting to order.
(September 2021) – KAHRMM's Mission is to advance the profession of health care purchasing and materials management.
(January 2021) – The New Year has started; and so far, not much has changed, at least from my perspective.
(January 2021) – I was visiting relatives in Kansas City a few weeks back and met a man wearing a tee-shirt bidding "Farewell to 2020."
(January 2021) – It's that time of year again – time to renew your KAHRMM membership.
(January 2021) – The information included in this article was obtained from AHRMM's website.
(January 2021) – KHA Media Updates: KHA Statement on COVID Relief Package and Government Funding Bill and New Assets Available on StoptheSpreadKansas.org.
(December 2020) – As the year comes to an end, I hope everyone is able to relax a little over the holidays and that this finds each and every one of you well and safe.
(December 2020) – The COVID-19 pandemic has been going on for a number of months with seemingly no end in sight.
(December 2020) – As 2020 comes to a close, we are reminded it is time to renew your KAHRMM membership dues for next year.
(December 2020) – This article was originally published in the Dec. 4, 2020, issue of Current Report, entitled President's Perspective – KHA Partners with Agriculture, Business and Medical Organizations to Curb COVID-19 Spread, written by Chad Austin.
(December 2020) – This article originally appeared in the Dec. 8, 2020 issue of Healthcare Purchasing News Online.
(November 2020) – As we go into the fall season, and with the holidays around the corner, I hope this finds everyone safe.
(November 2020) – Hey all! As November gets well under way, we see many things happening. Hopefully, everyone is staying well and doing your best.
(November 2020) – Congratulations to AHRMM Board members elected during the 2020 AHRMM's election! All newly-elected board members will serve three-year terms, starting on Jan. 1, 2021.
(November 2020) – Words from an email from Kate Tilden, materials manager, Saint Luke's South Hospital, Overland Park.
(November 2020) – This article was taken from the Oct. 23 issue of Current Report – President's Perspective – KHA Convention Highlights from the Annual Meeting and Awards Presentation by Chad Austin.
(October 2020) – I hope this finds everyone well and safe from COVID-19.
(October 2020) – As I sit here to try and come up with a subject to talk about, it dawns on me that October has a pretty special week! It's a week dedicated to us!
(October 2020) – AHRMM announced the outstanding chapters that participated in the AHRMM Chapter Affiliation Program this past month. KAHRMM received the top level of recognition by claiming the Diamond Level Award.
(October 2020) – The Kansas Hospital Association is proud to announce the launch of the Kansas Loves Healthcare initiative, recognizing the dedicated health care professionals across the state of Kansas and honoring the selfless work they do.
(September 2020) – The KAHRMM Board of Directors met via phone conference and made a few decisions in August.
(September 2020) – How to Excel at Both Strategy and Execution, by Paul Leinwand and Joachim Rotering, Harvard Business Journal
(September 2020) – Through difficult times, the leadership of AHRMM has planned an outstanding virtual conference to be held Sept. 22-Oct. 8, 2020. Connect into this conference without leaving home.
(September 2020) – The KAHRMM Board understands during these crazy pandemic times, you may have missed the opportunity to renew your annual KAHRMM membership.
(September 2020) – We are coming upon the time of year when nominations of the president-elect and directors are nominated by the Nominating Committee and sent to the membership prior to the fall annual meeting.
(September 2020) – AHRMM awarded each Chapter 10 scholarships for the $249 registration fee to attend the AHRMM20+ Virtual Conference, Sept. 22-Oct. 8.
(August 2020) – It sure seems like time is flying by this year, for not getting to do everything we normally would like to do. Maybe this will all be over soon. It sounds like they are making great strides in coming up with a vaccine that will maybe help control this pandemic.
(August 2020) – A health care provider's records retention procedure may be a coordinated responsibility between multiple departments, including supply chain.
(August 2020) – AHRMM is offering 10 scholarships to KAHRMM for our chapter members' attendee registration for the AHRMM+20 Virtual Conference & Exhibition.
(August 2020) – After thoughtful consideration, the KHA Board has made the difficult decision to not hold an in-person Convention and Trade Show in 2020.
(July 2020) – It is hard to believe that 2020 is half over. Yet, it feels like I haven't done anything but work and go home, so I can work again the next day.
(July 2020) – Does it normally take this long to get back to normal? For that matter, what is NORMAL?
(July 2020) – AHRMM has made the decision to transition the AHRMM 2020 Conference and Exhibition from a live event scheduled July 26-29 in Austin, to a virtual event in September, to keep members connected and engaged.
(July 2020) – This article was taken from a Media Release available on the KHA website.
(June 2020) – It doesn't seem like a month has gone by since our last newsletter. I hope everyone is still well. This has been such a weird year. I don't even know where to begin.
(June 2020) – In these times of short supply, Materials Management is often the department looked to for supplies by employees, clinicians and patients.
(June 2020) – Taken from the AHRMM website – Conference and Exhibition page – AHRMM's top priority is the health and safety of our attendees, members, sponsors, exhibitors and staff.
(June 2020) – 2020 Special Session Update – Taken from KHA's Capitol Comments – Thursday, June 4, 2020 issue.
(December 2021) – Dec. 10 – Free AHRMM Webinar: Landing the Job – Recruitment & Resume Building Tips
Now Through Dec. 16 – AHRMM21+ Virtual Conference & Exhibition On-Demand
(December 2021) – This month's topics include KAHRMM 2022 Membership, Rebecca Flora Graduate of the 2021 KHA Leadership Institute Class, AHRMM Membership; AHRMM Update on COVID-19, Please Visit KAHRMM website.
(June 2020) Lori Knoeber wishes to share USDA Invests $71M in Broadband for Rural Areas by Becker's Hospital Review, written by Jackie Drees - Monday, May 18th, 2020.
(September 2021) – Mike Morgan, President; Lori Knoeber, President-Elect; Craig Rohleder, Immediate Past President; Teresa McHenry, Secretary; Chrissy Fink, Treasurer; Lisa Feil-Neavitt; Tammy Jackson-Noland; Mick Pond; Pat Tabor; Larry Wenthe.
(September 2021) – To consider first, the interests of our hospitals in all transactions and to carry out and believe in its established policies.
(September 2021) – Many members have yet to renew membership in KAHRMM. If you have not already done so, please renew your membership as soon as possible.