KAHRMM Newsletter Articles
KAHRMM Receives Diamond Award

Diamond Level Award Newletter (October 2020) – The Association for Health Care Resource & Materials Management announced the outstanding chapters that participated in the AHRMM Chapter Affiliation Program this past month. The Kansas Association for Healthcare and Materials Management received the top level of recognition by claiming the Diamond Level Award.

To participate in the program, each chapter must:

  • Be an affiliate of AHRMM;
  • Submit an annual report, membership roster and a current list of chapter officers; and
  • Complete a chapter workbook with documentation supporting the workbook information.

Chapters are evaluated and awarded points based on their work in each of the four categories listed below:  

Education Category

  • Chapter-sponsored seminars and workshops
  • Requested CPE certificates from AHRMM, as well as other organizations
  • Chapter representation at the AHRMM Annual Conference
  • AHRMM webinars and online courses in which Chapter members have participated
  • Chapter members must be a guest speaker/presenter at a materials management-related program or the author of a published article in a healthcare magazine. Program evaluations are collected for chapter-sponsored seminars and workshops

Chapter Projects:

  • Publishing a chapter newsletter with certain criteria in each newsletter
  • Chapter-wide promotion of National Healthcare Supply Chain Week
  • Developing and maintaining a chapter website and posting on social media
  • Mentoring activities
  • Organizing an activity or initiative to engage students and/or young professionals
  • Volunteering for or donating to a philanthropic cause
  • Providing chapter sponsored scholarships to attend the AHRMM's Annual Conference


  • The percentage of Chapter membership in common with AHRMM members
  • Percentage of increase in Chapter membership
  • Percentage of members who renewed their memberships
  • Number of Chapter members who became new AHRMM members

Advancement and Recognition:

  • The number of members who served on an AHRMM committee during the reporting year
  • Percentage of chapter membership recognized as an AHRMM Fellow or a Certified Materials & Resource Professional  
  • Chapter sponsored CMRP review sessions held specifically to prepare Chapter members to obtain or renew CMRP certification
  • Number of Chapter Board members who hold a Fellow or CMRP designation

The chapters fulfilling the criteria above will receive one of the following levels of distinction: Bronze, Silver, Gold or Diamond. The minimum number of points required to obtain each level of distinction is: Bronze – 195; Silver – 245; Gold – 300; Diamond – 300 points and a Gold Chapter for the previous five consecutive years.

Distinguished Chapters:

  • Are recognized on the AHRMM and chapter's websites
  • Chapter president receives a mailing list of AHRMM members in the state/region served by the chapter,
  • An AHRMM Board member visits to chapter meetings
  • Receives a complimentary AHRMM publication valued at $80 for use in chapter raffle or library
  • Receives two discounted annual conference registrations at $100 off early bird member registration fee
  • Plus many more benefits.

The KAHRMM organization has been a Diamond-Level chapter for many consecutive years. It has taken dedicated boards, a fabulous, committed membership, and work to be an outstanding chapter nationwide.

Congratulations KAHRMM. You wear it well!
--Cindy Howard-Reeves