Current Report Articles
Open Letter from Physicians on KanCare Expansion

KanCare (April 21, 2023) – The Kansas Hospital Association, along with more than 125 organizations and leaders across the state, form the Alliance for a Healthy Kansas. We are currently working to recruit signatures for an open letter to policymakers in support of KanCare expansion. The letter came about in response to the desire of several physician members of the Alliance network to use their unique voice to help break the logjam on KanCare policy progress.

As KHA members know, low-wage working Kansans are falling through the cracks when it comes to access to health care. This causes real harm to the individual, their family and the physicians and other providers who care for them. Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem: KanCare expansion. Expansion would extend eligibility for KanCare to adults earning up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level and the majority of the cost would be paid by the federal government. Expansion would close the coverage gap and provide coverage to an estimated 150,000 Kansans.

The Alliance for a Healthy Kansas will present an open letter from physicians to the legislature at the end of April. The letter is open to signatures from practicing physicians, medical students and retired physicians. Please share or sign this letter from physicians by Monday, April 24. Thank you.
--Cindy Samuelson