Current Report Articles
President's Perspective – Gearing Up for Hospital Week 2024

National Hospital Week is right around the corner, May 12-18. The Kansas Hospital Association is looking forward to celebrating all the innovative ways hospitals are supporting and connecting to their communities. The theme, #WeAreHealthCare, ties perfectly with our current public perception campaign.

The American Hospital Association has provided a number of resources hospitals can use in celebrating hospital week. In addition, KHA is creating a toolkit of resources for our members. Assets will be shared in our online Hospital Week Toolkit folder. It will include videos, social media posts and frames, a media release and more. We already have co-branded a new Power of One video with the AHA. Feel free to share this moving video with your staff or on your social channels.

We know every second of every hour of every day, Kansas hospitals and health systems mend bodies, promote wellness and give hope to patients and communities. Hospitals and health systems work together to lead innovative change, advocate for patients and train the next generation of caregivers — and it all happens when each individual health care professional joins with their colleagues and many voices become one to change health care for the better.

Did you know Hospital Week has been celebrated for more than 100 years? National Hospital Week began as National Hospital Day in the year 1921 as an attempt to inspire community members to support hospitals after the Spanish flu outbreak in 1918. Then, in 1953, National Hospital Day was changed to National Hospital Week.

Additionally, National Hospital Week takes place during the week of Florence Nightingale's birthday, which is May 12. The holiday shines a spotlight on hospitals, health systems and health care workers who strive to save lives daily. KHA has teamed up with the AHA and hospital associations across the county to recognize the 5,000 hospitals, health care systems, networks and others who provide care to their community. Hospital caregivers have taken on unimaginable challenges and have risen to the occasion repeatedly.

It is always refreshing to see and learn about all the activities Kansas hospitals are doing with their teams during Hospital Week. Use the hashtag #wearehealthcare in your social posts. KHA staff look forward to seeing your photos and will highlight what your hospitals and health systems are doing to celebrate health care workers and the innovative ways you are supporting and connecting with the communities you serve. Have a great Hospital Week!
--Chad Austin