KHA Calendar
AHA Health Equity Conference - Driving Change Together -- May 7-9
5/7/2024 7:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Click here for more information.
Long-standing health care disparities and inequities persist. Systemic drivers such as structural racism and economic disadvantages have resulted in disproportionate health outcomes across different patient populations. Education, safe and affordable housing, transportation and nutritious food access all have a significant impact on the quality and quantity of an individuals life and overall health.

Join us for the upcoming Accelerating Health Equity Conference, where leaders and organizations focused on accelerating health equity will work to continue driving change together. To enhance your conference experience and delve deeper into the issues, check out a pre-conference workshop and a community immersion experience. Register during the early-bird period to secure a discounted rate for this valuable conference, attended by over 1,000 front-line leaders seeking to drive change together and build healthier communities.


Sheraton Kansas City Hotel at Crown Center
2345 McGee St
Kansas City MO, 64108