Current Report Articles
Health Insurance for Your Employees: BlueAid Health Solves Large Health Claims Issues

Blue Aide Health LLC (Oct. 13, 2023) – Many hospitals use a self-funded plan for health insurance benefits for its employees and families. These plans typically come with a form of stop-loss coverage that protects the plan from bearing all the costs of large claims. Those who have administered a self-funded plan may have first-hand knowledge about what happens to that coverage when a large claim is presented for payment. The stop-loss carrier will likely react in two ways: significantly increase the cost of the policy or "laser" the individual with the large claim from the stop-loss plan. The latter means the health plan will be responsible for the entire cost of their claim in future years. Hospitals can purchase "no laser" stop-loss coverage, but this can be very expensive.

BlueAid Health has solved this dilemma of large claimants and individual lasers by finding an alternative health insurance program for the individual member. The benefit to the facility is that this liability is removed from the plan, saving the hospital thousands of dollars. The member is satisfied because their health insurance is covered 100 percent by BlueAid Health. We believe this program can have a significant impact on most of the self-insured facilities in Kansas.

As you prepare for your upcoming renewal, consider reaching out to Joe Murray with BlueAid Health at (913) 274-8822. Want to learn more? Watch this introductory webinar.
--Steve Poage