Current Report Articles
County Economic Impact Reports Available

economic impact news (Nov. 10, 2023) – Kansas Hospital Association members know a good local health care system is part of the prescription for maintaining a healthy economy. However, we often forget to share this message with our local communities. KHA is pleased to release a new, county-level, analysis of the economic contributions to the local health care sector on the economies of each of the state's 105 counties.

We hand-delivered these reports during our October District Meetings, but if you were not able to attend, or want additional counties, all 105 county economic impact reports are now available online. The Institute of Policy & Social Research at The University of Kansas completed these reports, in addition to our state-wide report released in March.

The purpose of the county reports is to provide hospitals with data and information to be used to communicate to community leaders, policymakers and citizens on the importance of health care to the local economy. The Kansas Hospital Association shares the findings of these reports with legislators and the media.

According to the report's authors, the health care sector in each county makes substantial contributions to the local economy through employment and income. Along with providing direct employment and income, the health care sector creates multiplier effects as businesses purchase local goods and services, such as utilities, and employees spend their income at local businesses such as stores and restaurants. In many counties, hospitals, nursing and residential care facilities as well as outpatient care centers comprise the largest health care employers in the county. In addition to jobs and income, the health care sector provides economic development effects that are less easily quantified. A quality health care sector improves the well-being of the population, and that, in turn, improves business productivity. Quality health care aids in the recruitment and retention of businesses and attracts and retains retirees.

Hospitals and health services are an economic anchor in Kansas. This report documents the importance of the health care sector to the Kansas economy. While the estimates of economic impact are substantial, they are only a partial accounting of the benefits health care in general, and community hospitals in particular, provide to the state. Kansas community hospitals help stabilize the population base, invigorate their communities and contribute significantly to quality of life.

Apart from these county reports, KHA also produces a statewide report annually. A brochure, PowerPoint and media release from March of this year are available on the KHA website.

If you would like assistance in presenting this information to a board or community group or would like a template media release with your county data, or any additional materials, please email Cindy Samuelson.
--Cindy Samuelson