Capitol Comments Articles

(June 18, 2024) – Today, the Kansas Legislature met in a 2024 Special Session, called by Governor Laura Kelly, to deal with state tax reform policy. The tax policy is contained in SB 1. The House and Senate then took up the Star Bonds legislation in HB 2001, designed to provide an avenue for the recruitment of the Kansas City Chiefs and Royals.
(June 18, 2024) – In each session, the Kansas Hospital Association provides a summary of bills of interest to members.
(June 17, 2024) – Today, the legislature saw a few joint committee meetings in preparation for tomorrow's start of the 2024 Special Session.
(May 1, 2024) – The Conference Committee Reports, including CCR H Sub for SB 287 and CCR for HB 2531, continue to make their way through the legislative process and to Governor Laura Kelly
(May 1, 2024) – The final report is contained in the conference committee report on House Bill 2551. The agreement will receive a final up or down vote in the House and Senate.
(May 1, 2024) – This week was full of policy finalization but also many farewells as announcements were made about legislators leaving their current posts to run for other offices, or retiring from their current elected office.
(May 1, 2024) – While the 2024 session ended with the Sine Die adjournment, after midnight on May 1, many are asking if there will be a possible return before January 2025.
(April 30, 2024)—Today, the House and Senate Health Conference Committee met again to add language that would include a reference to the CMS guidance to prevent funding loss.
(April 30, 2024) – Today, the legislature continued taking up legislation formerly vetoed by Governor Laura Kelly.
(April 30, 2024) – The following Conference Committee Reports continue to make their way through the legislative process and to Governor Laura Kelly: CCR H Sub for SB 419, CCR HB 2784 and CCR H Sub for SB 287.
(April 30, 2024) – The final report is contained in House Bill 2551. The agreement will receive a final up or down vote in the House and Senate.
(April 30, 2024) – The House and Senate Tax Conference met to discuss a new tax proposal that would include provisions from previous bills, such as increases in the standard deduction, reducing the mill levy or increase in the residential exemption and expediting the elimination of the food sales tax.
(April 29, 2024) – Last week, the budget committees held a joint session in the morning to be briefed on state consensus revenue estimate updates and Governor Lara Kelly's budget amendments.
(April 29, 2024) – On Friday, the Senate heard motions to withdraw SB 135 and SB 355 from committee.
(April 29, 2024)—Today, the legislature began taking up legislation Governor Laura Kelly had formerly vetoed.
(April 29, 2024) – Today, the Senate worked the CCR for House Substitute for Senate Bill 419.
(April 25, 2024) – The Kansas Senate saw a motion to pull SB 355, the Medicaid expansion bill, out of committee before they adjourned for the April break.
(April 25, 2024) – CMS announced the final rule related to minimum staffing requirements for nursing homes that participate in the Medicare & Medicaid programs.
(April 25, 2024) – Yesterday, the Legislative Post-Audit Committee received an update on the 2023 election security audit officials from Ford and Chase counties who appeared virtually to discuss audit issues.
(April 25, 2024) – As legislation has made its way through the process, this article includes a few bills that Governor Laura Kelly took action on this week.
(April 25, 2024) – Yesterday, Governor Laura Kelly announced the signature of the state mega budget bill contained in SB 25 with line-item vetoed provisions.
(April 25, 2024) – Yesterday, Gov. Laura Kelly vetoed Sub. for HB 2036, the tax reform legislation.
(April 16, 2024) – As bills have made their way to Governor Laura Kelly's desk, the Kansas Hospital Association wants to update you on the status of health care-related legislation.
(April 8, 2024) – The House and Senate continued working through conference committee reports before disbanding for the first adjournment at around 3 a.m. on Saturday.
(April 8, 2024) – Before adjourning, the Senate saw motions to bring SB 135 and SB 355 out of committee.
(April 8, 2024) – Late Friday, the House and Senate Health Conference Committee met. The House agreed to the Senate's suggested changes to CMS, which did not supersede the change in statute.
(April 5, 2024) – Yesterday, the House rejected the tax plan contained in S. Sub for HB 2036 on a voice vote. H. Sub. for SB 300 will likely be revisited in a conference committee and handled later in the veto session. The education funding legislation contained in the CCR for H. Sub. for SB 387 also stalled. The Senate voted to reject an election reform bill included in CCR on SB 14 and voted to send the CCR for SB 423 back to the conference committee.
(April 5, 2024) – This week, Governor Laura Kelly signed bills into law including SN360, SB 331, SB 362, SB 381, SB 433, SB 491, HB 2590, HB 2604, HB 2605, HB 2632, HB 2661 and HB 2783.
(April 5, 2024) – Today, the House and Senate began working through conference committee reports.
(April 5, 2024) – Today, the House and Senate Health conferees met to reopen the previously agreed-upon version of the Conference Committee Report of SB 287.
(April 5, 2024) – The KHA Bill Tracker is designed to keep you up-to-date on current legislation. KHA will update and share this document weekly while the legislators are in session.
(April 4, 2024) – Today, the subcommittee of Appropriations members studying the issue of supplemental nurse staffing agencies made recommendations.
(April 4, 2024) – Today, the House and Senate took up conference committee reports, which are straight up or down votes on CCR on SB 356, CCR on HB 2498, CCR on Sen. Sub. for HB 2036. Late yesterday, the House and Senate Local Government Conference Committee agreed to compromise to SB 384.
(April 3, 2024) – Today, the Budget Conference Committee, made up of House and Senate members, continued to work through the list of items with differences in the budget bill.
(April 3, 2024) – Today, the subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee heard from Blake Flanders, Kansas Board of Regents; Heather Morgan, Kansas Community College Association; Jim Genandtt, Kansas Association for Career and Technical Education; Carol Moreland, Kansas Board of Nursing; Kyle Kessler, Association of Community Mental Health Centers; Jaron Caffrey, KHA; Kylee Childs, LeadingAge Kansas; and Amy Garcia, Kansas Nursing Workforce Center.
(April 2, 2024) – Yesterday, saw the first of a three-day sub-committee discussion, made up of House Appropriations members including Chairman Les Mason (R-McPherson), Brenda Landwehr (R-Wichita), Barbara Ballard (D-Lawrence), Susan Concannon (R-Beloit) and Henry Helgerson (D-Wichita).
(April 2, 2024) – As the House and Senate Conference Committees continue to meet, there are several bills that have received motions to concur on changes made in the second chamber that will send those bills to the governor’s desk.
(April 2, 2024) – Today, the House and Senate Health conference committee met. The Senate Financial Institutions and Insurance Conference committee met with the House Insurance Committee to discuss bills among them. The education conference committees met and agreed to add the provisions of HB 2645 (nurse service scholarship program) into SB 438, along with other packaged bills. The budget conference committee members continue to work through differences between the chamber positions.
(Mar. 29, 2024) – Next week, the House and Senate will return to work through conference committee items that have differences between the House and Senate positions.
(Mar. 28, 2024) – Today, the Senate Federal and State Committee held a hearing on SB 555.
(Mar. 28, 2024) – Last night the House of Representatives took action on H. Sub for H. Sub for SB 96.
(Mar. 27, 2024) – Today, the House or Representatives took final votes on HB 2653, HB 2834, H. Sub for SB 37 and H. Sub for SB 300. The chamber debated SB 414 and Sub. for Sub for SB 96 SB 430.
(Mar. 27, 2024) – Today, the Senate took final votes on HB 2547, HB 2648 and HB 2690. The Senate also debated, SB 553, HB 2358, HB 2754, HB 2614, HB 2711, S. SUB for HB 2436, HB 2784 and HB 2570.
(Mar. 27, 2024) – Today, the House passed the Conference Committee Report on SB 233.
(Mar. 27, 2024) – Today, the House passed tax reform on a vote of 123-0 in H. Sub for SB 300.
(Mar. 26, 2024) – Today, both the House and Senate debated bills before them. Among them were HB 2825, HB 2834, House Sub. for House Sub. for SB 96, HB 2510, SB 384, SB 434, House Sub. for SB 287 and House Sub. for SB 143.
(Mar. 26, 2024) –Today, the Senate is slated to debate the following, among their work before them: HB 2483, HB 2690, HB 2715, HB 2547, HB 2754, SB 488, HB 2749, HB 2484, and HB 2353.
(Mar. 26, 2024) – Today, conferees that include the chair, vice-chair and ranking minority members from both health committees discussed SB 233.
(Mar. 26, 2024) – Today, the Senate Financial Institutions and Insurance Committee added language requiring each utilization review entity to implement and maintain a prior authorization application surface, in compliance with federal law, by Jan. 1, 2028.
(Mar. 25, 2024) – Today, both the House and Senate debated bills before them including, HB 2510, SB 384, SB 434, SB 433, House Sub. for SB 287, House Sub. for 143, SB 488, HB 2749, HB 2484 and HB 2353.
(Mar. 25, 2024) – Today, saw the first conference committee between the Ways and Means chair, vice-chair and ranking minority member and the House Appropriations chair, vice-chair and ranking minority member. The committee saw staff review the more than 200 items that are different between the House version of the budget and the Senate version of the budget.
(Mar. 22, 2024) – Today, the House of Representatives saw the Medicaid expansion bill, from 2024, HB 2556, moved from the House Health and Human Services Committee to the House Interstate Cooperation Committee.
(Mar. 22, 2024) – Today, Governor Laura Kelly signed SB 431, SB 336 and SB 307.
(Mar. 22, 2024) – Next week, the House and Senate will spend the week working on bills in their respective chambers as conference committees begin to work through differences between House and Senate positions on bills before them.
(Mar. 21, 2024) – Today, the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee worked HB 2751, HB 2784 and HB 2749.
(Mar. 21, 2024) – Today, the House Health and Human Services Committee debated House Bill 2556, the Medicaid expansion legislation.
(Mar. 20, 2024) – Today, both the House Health Committee and a Joint Committee made up of members from Senate Ways and Means and Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee held hearings on Medicaid expansion bills, HB 2556 and SB 355.
(Mar. 20, 2024) – Today, the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee took final action on HB 2453, HB 2484, HB 2578 and HB 2754.
(Mar. 20, 2024) – Today, the House Insurance Committee passed HB 2825, enacting consumer protection related to hospital price transparency.
(Mar. 19, 2024) – Today, the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee held a hearing on HB 2754, heard HB 2749 and took up final action on HB 2777 and HB 2547.
(Mar. 19, 2024) – Today, the Senate Financial Institutions and Insurance Committee held a hearing on SB 553.
(Mar. 19, 2024) – Today, the House of Representatives worked the House budget bill, Substitute for HB 2273.
(Mar. 19, 2024) – Today, was the first conference committee between the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee and the House Health and Human Services Committee. The committee discussed the differences in the House and Senate positions on SB 233.
(Mar. 19, 2024) – SB 554, SB 555
(Mar. 18, 2024) – Today, the House Insurance Committee held a hearing on HB 2825.
(Mar. 18, 2024) – Today, the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee held hearings on HB 2484 and HB 2578 and worked HB 2777.
(Mar. 18, 2024) – Today, the Senate Federal and State Affairs Committee held a hearing on House Bill 2358.
(Mar. 18, 2024) – Today, the House Health and Human Services Committee brought up HB 2793.
(Mar. 15, 2024) – Late last night, the Senate took votes on several tax bills before them, including HB 2465, Sub. for SB 60, Sub. for HB 2036, SB 484, SB 480, SB 311, SB 498, SB 482 and SB 539.
(Mar. 15, 2024) – Today, the Joint Rules and Regulations Committee heard changes to administrative rules and regulations from several agencies, including the Kansas Department of Labor.
(Mar. 15, 2024) – Committees will spend the early part of next week working through final bills having come from the alternate chamber, with more floor action scheduled as bills make their way to the deadlines of first adjournment.
(Mar. 15, 2024) – SB 553
(Mar. 14, 2024) – Today, the Senate saw a motion to non-concur with the change the House made to SB 233 and made a motion to concur on House changes to SB 307.
(Mar. 14, 2024) – Today, the Kansas Senate took a final vote on the state budget bill, Substitute for SB 514.
(Mar. 13, 2024) – Today, the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee discussed House Bill 2751. The committee also took final action on HB 2596 and HB 2629.
(Mar. 13, 2024) – Today, the House Committee on Local Government held a hearing on Senate Bill 384.
(Mar. 13, 2024) – Today, the House of Representatives took a final vote on Senate Bill 233.
(Mar. 13, 2024) – Today, the Kansas Senate debated the state budget bill Sub. for SB 514.
(Mar. 14, 2024) – The hearings on Medicaid Expansion have been set for Mar. 20.
(Mar. 13, 2024) – HB 2825 and HB 2834
(Mar. 12, 2024) – Yesterday, the House Health and Human Services Committee held a roundtable on HB 2793.
(Mar. 12, 2024) – Today, the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee held hearings on HB 2547, HB 2579 and HB 2784
(Mar. 12, 2024) – Today, the House Appropriations Committee created a subcommittee to look at contract nursing during Omnibus budget discussions.
(Mar. 12, 2024) – Today, the House Federal and State Affairs Committee saw a bill introduction that increases the hospital provider assessment from 3 percent to 6 percent.
(Mar. 12, 2024) – Today, the House Commerce, Labor and Economic Development Committee held a hearing on HB 2818.
(Mar. 8, 2024) – Last night, the House Appropriations Committee met to finalize details on their budget. The bill, now in House Bill 2273, was recommended favorably for passage after they made the final adjustments.
(Mar. 8, 2024) – Next week will be a flurry of activities with budget bills likely to run across the floors of the House and Senate. Committees will continue to meet to hear exempt bills and bills coming to the second chamber.
(Mar. 8, 2024) – SB 536 and SB 540
(Mar. 7, 2024) – Today, the Senate Ways and Means met to finalize their budget. The Senate budget will be housed in Substitute for Senate Bill 514.
(Mar. 7, 2024) – Today, the Senate Commerce Committee held a hearing on HB 2570.
(Mar. 7, 2024) – Today, the House of Representatives took final votes on HB 2676, HB 2749, HB 2665, SB 338, SB 339, SB 356 and SB 398.
(Mar. 7, 2024) – This morning, the House Appropriations Committee added contents of their budget into House Bill 2273 and made adjustments to the budget.
(Mar. 7, 2024) – Today, the House Health and Humans Services Committee deleted the contents of Senate Bill 233 and inserted the contents of House Bill 2791.
(Mar. 6, 2024) – Today, the Senate Ways and Means Committee continued work to assemble the budget bill.
(Mar. 6, 2024) – Today, the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee held a hearing on HB 2536.
(Mar. 6, 2024) – Today, the House Health and Human Services Committee took up Senate Bill 352, the patient visitation bill previously passed by the Senate.
(Mar. 6, 2024) – Today, the House Appropriations Committee received an update on the Fetal-Maternal Monitoring Program and remote ultrasound access to care.
(Mar. 6, 2024) – Today, the Alliance for a Healthy Kansas held a rally on the second floor of the Kansas Statehouse to urge policymakers to pass Medicaid expansion.
(Mar. 6, 2024) – Today, the Senate Education Committee held a hearing on HB 2645.
(Mar. 6, 2024) – Today, the House of Representatives took final action on HB 2648, SB 195, SB 307 and debated HB 2749.
(Mar. 5, 2024) – Today, the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee held hearings on bills, including HB 2777 and HB 2596.
(Mar. 5, 2024) – Today, the Senate Ways and Means Committee began assembling the budget bill and discussed SB 514.
(Mar. 5, 2024) – Today, the House Health and Human Services Committee held hearings on bills including SB 433 and SB 352.
Mar. 5, 2024) – HB 2818
(Mar. 5, 2024) – The Alliance for a Healthy Kansas and other Medicaid expansion advocacy groups are hosting a rally at the Kansas Statehouse from 12:30 p.m. tomorrow, Mar. 6, in the second-floor rotunda of the Capitol.
(Mar. 1, 2024) – Next week, the legislature will return to committee work with bills from the opposite chambers and begin the final touches on assembling the state mega budget.
(Feb. 29, 2024) – Today, the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee held an informational hearing on HB 2791 and the House Health and Human Services Committee held hearing on HB 2791.
(Feb. 29, 2024) – Today, the Senate Ways and Means Committee discussed the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, the Kansas Health Care Stabilization Fund and the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services budgets.
(Feb. 29, 2024) – Today, the House Chamber worked bills, including HB 2358 and HB 2790.
(Feb. 28, 2024) – Today, the House Appropriations Committee heard the sub-committee report on the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Division of Health Budget.
(Feb. 28, 2024) – The committee opened up SB 219, the committee removed the contents and added in the content of the original HB 2637, which expands eligibility for rural emergency hospital licensure to facilities that meet criteria at any point after 2015.
(Feb. 23, 2024) – This week, the House took up House Bill 2637, which would expand eligibility for rural emergency hospital licensure to facilities that meet criteria at any point after 2015.
(Feb. 23, 2024) – The Senate debated Senate Bill 352, the John D. Springer Patient's Bill of Rights.
(Feb. 23, 2024) – Next week, the legislature will return on Wednesday, when committees will continue hearings on bills exempt from legislative timelines and legislation that has made its way from its chamber of origin. Budget committees will continue report-outs as they look to start the process of assembling the House and Senate positions on the state budget.
(Feb. 23, 2024) – SB 521, SB 527, HB 2804, HB 2805, HB 2809, HB 2810, HB 2811, HB 2813, HB 2814
Today, the House and Senate worked bills in their chambers of origin.
(Feb. 20, 2024) - The Senate Ways and Means Subcommittee on Human Services finalized recommendations for the KDHE budget.
(Feb. 20, 2024) - The House failed to override the Governor's veto on HB 2284.
(Feb. 20, 2024) - The Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee held hearings and worked several bills today.
(Feb. 19, 2024) - The Senate Ways and Means Subcommittee on Human Services worked budgets today.
(Feb. 19, 2024) - Several House committees met today to consider bills.
(Feb. 19, 2024) - The Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on Senate Bill 491 today.
(Feb. 19, 2024) - The Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee heard and worked several bills.
Next Week's Schedule
(Feb. 16, 2024) -The House Health and Human Services committee heard HB 2784 and HB 2793 today.
(Feb. 16, 2024) - The Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee held a hearing on SB 391.
The House Health and Human Services Committee, chaired by Representative Brenda Landwehr (R-Wichita), held hearings on HB 2777 regarding the use body cameras in medical facilities and HB 2749 regarding abortion.
Senate Bill 390 enacts the conscientious right to refuse act to prohibit discrimination against individuals to refuse medical care and creating a civil cause of action based on such discrimination; repealing the authority of the secretary of health and environment to quarantine individuals and impose associated penalties.
Yesterday, the House Social Services Budget Committee, chaired by Representative Les Mason (R-McPherson) met. The committee made recommended changes to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Division of Health.
(Feb. 13, 2024) - Yesterday, the House Health and Human Services Committee met to hold hearings and work bills.
(Feb. 13, 2024) - Today, the Senate Local Government Committee met to have a continued discussion on SB384.
(Feb. 13, 2024) - Today, the House Appropriations Committee worked SB 307 and discussed budget subcommittee reports.
(Feb. 13, 2024) - Today, the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee met to hear SB 434 and SB 461, and worked SB 103.
(Feb. 9, 2024) – Following introductory deadlines, committees will now hold many hearings on bills and agency budgets approaching the end of February Turnaround Deadline.
(Feb. 9, 2024) – SB 487, SB 488, HB 2776, HB 2777, HB 2778, HB 2779, HB 2784
(Feb. 8, 2024) – Today, the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee held a hearing on SB 404.
(Feb. 8, 2024) – Today, the House of Representatives held final votes on HB 2490, HB 2522, HB 2578, HB 2530, HB 2531 and HB 2532.
(Feb. 8, 2024) – Today, Governor Laura Kelly signed into law Senate Bill 15.
(Feb. 8, 2024) – SB 478
(Feb. 7, 2024) – Today, the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee held a hearing on SB 352 and worked Senate Bill 363.
(Feb. 7, 2024) – Today, the House Appropriations Committee held hearings and heard budgets from the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts, received an overview from the Kansas Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board and held a hearing on HB 2472.
(Feb. 7, 2024) – Today, the Legislative Modernization Committee held hearings on HB 2614 and HB 2615.
(Feb. 7, 2024) – Today, the House Corrections and Juvenile Justice Committee held a hearing on HB 2353. Meanwhile, the House Health and Human Services Committee held a hearing on HB 2622.
(Feb. 7, 2024) – Today, the Senate Ways and Means Committee heard budget report outs.
(Feb. 7, 2024) – SB 460, SB 461, HB 2709, HB 2713, HB 2716, HB 2723, HB 2742, HB 2745, HB 2746, HB 2747, HB 2749, HB 2750, HB 2752 and HB 2756.
(Feb. 6, 2024) – Today, the House Health and Human Services Committee held hearings on HB 2548 and HB 2637.
(Feb. 6, 2024) – Today, the House of Representatives held a debate on HB 2495, HR 6035 and took a final action vote on HB 2545.
(Feb. 6, 2024) – Today, the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee held a hearing on Senate Bill 371.
(Feb. 6, 2024) – Today, the House Federal and State Affairs Committee worked HB 2358.
(Feb. 6, 2024) – Yesterday, the House Insurance Committee passed out HB 2478 and HB 2533.
(Feb. 6, 2024) – Today, the governor's office announced what is known as a governor's budget amendment to her previously released fiscal year 2025 budget.
(Feb. 5, 2024) – Today, the Senate Ways and Means Subcommittee worked on the final budgets for state mental and intellectual disability hospitals.
(Feb. 5, 2024) – Today, the House and Senate Commerce Committees met jointly to continue the committee discussions on unemployment compensation.
(Feb. 5, 2024) – Today, the House Health and Human Services Committee finalized bill introductions for the 2024 session.
(Feb. 5, 2024) – SB 448, SB 449, SB 450, HB 2683, HB 2686, HB 2689, HB 2690, HB 2692
(Feb. 2, 2024) – Next week, committees that are subject to legislative deadlines will hold the last of the bill introductions. Committee work will heat up as the legislature continues to review agency budgets and assemble legislative adjustments.
(Feb. 2, 2024) – SB 433, SB 434, HB 2669 and HB 2670.
(Feb. 1, 2024) – Today, the House Health and Human Service held bill introductions. House Bill 2579 was brought back up for further amendments to strike the one amendment made yesterday in committee, reverting back to its original language.
(Feb. 1, 2024) – Today, the House Welfare Reform committee held a hearing on HB 2627 andreceived a briefing on free and reduced lunch eligibility verification.
(Feb. 1, 2024) – Yesterday, the House Insurance Committee saw bill introductions, including one on prior authorization reform. The Kansas Pharmacists Association gave a presentation about the number of pharmacies that have closed. The committee also heard bills including HB 2478 and held a hearing on HB 2533.
(Feb. 1, 2024) – Today, the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee saw bill introductions and held a hearing on SB 103.
(Feb. 1, 2024) – Today, the Senate Local Government Committee held a hearing on SB 384.
(Feb. 1, 2024) – Today, the Senate Ways and Means Subcommittee on Human Services received updates on the budgets for State Mental Health Hospitals and the Intellectual Disability Institutions.
(Feb. 1, 2024) – Today, the Joint Senate and House Commerce Committees held an informational hearing on workers' compensation, outlined in SB 430.
(Jan. 31, 2024) – Yesterday, the House Social Services Budget Committee heard about agency budgets, including the KDADS budget, a budget overview of the mental health hospitals approved the budgets for the Kansas Health Care Stabilization Fund and the Kansas Guardianship Program as recommended by the governor's budget.
(Jan. 31, 2024) – Today, the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee held a hearing on SB 363.
(Jan. 31, 2024) – Today, the House Appropriations Committee heard an update from State Community and Technical Colleges.
(Jan. 31, 2024) – Today, the House Health and Human Services Committee held a hearing on HB 2579 and worked HB 2578.
(Jan. 31, 2024) – Today, the Child Welfare Committee held a hearing on HB 2580.
(Jan. 31, 2024) – Today, the Committee of Corrections and Juvenile Justice worked HB 2487.
(Jan. 30, 2024) – Yesterday, the House Social Services Budget Committee heard budgets for the Kansas Guardianship Program and Kansas Health Care Stabilization Fund. The committee also held an information briefing regarding the interim committee recommendations for Nursing Facility Reimbursement Rates. The House Committee on Transportation and Public Safety heard budgets for the Emergency Medical Services Board and Office of the State Fire Marshal.
(Jan. 31, 2024) – SB 411, HB 2637 and HB 2645
(Jan. 30, 2024) – Today, the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee received an update from KDADS Secretary Laura Howard about foster care in the state.
(Jan. 30, 2024) – The House Federal and State Affairs Committee held a hearing on HB 2358. The House Appropriations Committee held a hearing on SB 307. House Health and Human Services Committee held hearings on HB 2547 and HB 2578.
(Jan. 30, 2024) – Today, the Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Senator Kellie Warren (R-Leawood), received an update on last session's bill Senate Bill 228.
(Jan. 29, 2024) – Today, the Senate Committee on Transparency and Ethics heard agency budgets for the Kansas Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board, Kansas State Board of Healing Arts, Kansas State Board of Nursing and Kansas Board of Pharmacy. They also hear overviews from agency staff and the Kansas Department of Legislative Research.
(Jan. 29, 2024) – Today, the House Financial Institutions and Pensions Committee held hearings on legislation, including HB 2562, the Protection of Vulnerable Adults from Financial Exploitation Act.
(Jan. 29, 2024) – Today, the House Health and Human Services Committee heard an update from KDHE on vaccines and held a hearing on HB 2596.
(Jan. 29, 2024) – SB 390, SB 391, SB 392, SB 395, SB 404, HB 2578, HB 2579, HB 2580, HB 2595, HB 2596,
HB 2599 and HB 2614
(Jan. 26, 2024) – The health care budget discussions kick off next week, with the state hospital budgets and health professional licensing agencies.
(Jan. 26, 2024) –
(Jan. 24, 2024) – The Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee discussed bill introductions, including the constitutional Right to Health Freedom Act and the Right to Refuse Act.
(Jan. 24, 2024) – Today, the Senate Ways and Means Committee heard from KDADS Deputy Secretary Scott Brunner regarding nursing staffing levels at the four state hospitals. and KDHE Director of Operations for Medicaid Yvonne Case.
(Jan. 24, 2024) – Today, the House Appropriations Committee heard the sub-committee report on the Kansas State Board of Nursing and the Board of Pharmacy and held a hearing on HB 2468.
(Jan. 23, 2024) – The Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee oversees and makes recommendations on budgets for several agencies and will continue discussions tomorrow when they discuss the Kansas Guardianship Program.
(Jan. 24, 2024) – SB 378, SB 384, HB 2566, HB 2569 and HB 2570
(Jan. 23, 2024) – Today, the House Health and Human Services Committee held a hearing on House Bill 2484, enacting the Social Work Licensure Compact to provide interstate practice privileges for social workers.
(Jan. 22, 2024) – Today, the House Health and Human Services Committee received a program update from John Calvert, director of the Safe and Secure Schools Unit for the Kansas State Department of Education.
(Jan. 22, 2024) – Today, the Senate Federal and State Affairs Committee recommended passage of Senate Bill 249.
(Jan. 22, 2024) –SB 373 and HB 2565.
(Jan. 19, 2024) – With the first bill already hitting the governor's desk during the second week of session, 2024 is off to a historically fast pace. Next week, look for committee bill hearings to pick up and budget discussions for agencies and regulatory boards to begin.
(Jan. 19, 2024) – SB 351, SB 352, SB 353, SB 354, SB 355, SB, 374, HB 2515, HB 2536, HB 2539, HB 2547, HB 2548, HB 2555 and HB 2556
(Jan. 18, 2024) – Today, the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee, chaired by Senator Beverly Gossage (R-Eudora), heard from the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services regarding the Intellectual / Developmental Disability Waiver Program list.
(Jan. 18, 2024) – Today, guests recognized for the survival and investments in cancer prevention and recovery in Kansas visited the statehouse and chamber floors.
(Jan. 18, 2024) – The tax compromise bill contained in House Bill 2284 is the compromise tax plan worked on early in session between House and Senate Tax Committee leaders.
(Jan. 17, 2024) – Yesterday, the House Committee on Commerce, Labor and Economic Development met for the first time this session.
(Jan. 17, 2024) – Yesterday, the House Social Services Budget Committee heard from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment on their budget enhancements that are included in the governor's 2024 budget proposal.
(Jan. 17, 2024) – Today, the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee heard the introduction of bills, a presentation on palliative care and an overview of 2024 legislative priorities.
(Jan. 17, 2024) – Today, the Senate Financial Institutions and Insurance committee heard from Kansas Insurance Commissioner Vicki Schmidt.
(Jan. 17, 2024) – Today, the governor's Medicaid expansion bills were introduced to the House Appropriations and Senate Ways and Means committees.
(Jan. 17, 2024) – Today, the Legislative Post Audit Committee elected new leadership and heard an overview of information systems for state agencies and school districts.
(Jan. 17, 2024) – Today, the House Health and Human Services committee heard an update on EMS.
(Jan. 17, 2024) – SB 338, SB 346, SB 350, HB 2487, HB 2488, HB 2494, HB 2478, HB 2484, HB 2508
(Jan. 16, 2024) – Today, the House and Senate Tax Committee leadership met to finalize a compromise on a bill carried over from last year.
(Jan. 16, 2024) – Today, KHA hosted the annual Advocacy Day. Members were joined by the 2023 Advocacy All Stars to advocate for hospital needs across the state.
(Jan. 12, 2024) – The Kansas Hospital Association is excited to invite you to join us at our annual KHA Advocacy Day, Tuesday, Jan. 16, at the Beacon, 420 SW 9th St., Topeka.
(Jan. 12, 2024) – Next week, committee work will pick up as hearings get started.
(Jan. 11, 2024) – Today, the Senate Ways and Means Committee met jointly with the House Health and Human Services Committee to get a Consensus Revenue Estimate Report.
(Jan. 11, 2024) – Governor Laura Kelly provided her annual State of the State Address last night.
(Jan. 11, 2024) – Today, the Senate Assessment and Taxation Committee held a hearing on Senate Bill 196, reinstating transfers to the local Ad Valorem Tax Reduction Fund.
(Jan. 11, 2024) – Today, the Senate Assessment and Taxation Committee leadership met with House Tax Committee leadership to work through a bill they had held from the 2023 session.
(Jan. 11, 2024) – HB 2478, HB 2484, HB 2487, HB 2488, HB 2492
(Jan. 10, 2024) – Today, for the first time during the 2024 session, many committees began meeting following the delay from weather concerns.
(Jan. 8, 2024) – Today, under the backdrop of a Kansas snowfall, the 2024 Kansas legislators returned for the start of the 2024 legislative session.
(Jan. 8, 2024) – Today, KHA released the 2024 State Issues briefing and agenda for KHA's Advocacy Day on Jan. 16.
(May 1, 2023) – The legislature finalized their work just after 10:30 p.m. on Friday. This article includes some of the final items taken up by the House and Senate before adjournment.