Current Report Articles
Check for Expiration Extensions for Paxlovid and Lagevrio

KDHE (Aug. 4, 2023) – This week, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment reported Kansas facilities have destroyed in-date Paxlovid and Lagevrio during the last six months. KDHE estimates the amount of drug destroyed based on data reported in HPOP, and the value of the destroyed medication at $103,730 based on the federal government purchase price. Manufacturers have extended expiration dates for COVID treatments, including Paxlovid and Lagevrio. Remember to check for expiration date extensions on any expired, or nearly expired, product.

Visit for extended date information by product type. Paxlovid expiry dates may be found at For questions regarding HPOP, email For Kansas-specific questions, contact Michael McNulty, emergency management director at KDHE.
--Karen Braman