Capitol Comments Articles
Senate Federal and State Affairs Committee Hears Bill on Philanthropic Gifts

Kansas Senate Chamber (March 10, 2023) – Today, the Senate Federal and State Affairs Committee, chaired by Senator Mike Thompson (R-Bonner Springs), held a hearing on Senate Bill 133. The legislation provides for the enforcement of donor-imposed restrictions on philanthropic gifts of endowment funds or property to charitable organizations.

The bill heard from the following proponents:

  • Megan Schmidt, Philanthropy Roundtable, family foundations network
  • Mark Hutton, Benefactor and former legislator

The committee also heard from opponent Gregg Willems, from Kansas State University Foundation who expressed concern it could be a significant drain on charitable organizations' focus and resources, as well as conflicts with existing law. Further, Willems suggested:

  • The bill doesn't define the legal representative of a single donor
  • Doesn't address when there are multiple donors
  • Highlights the donor intent can be difficult to interpret
  • Concerns around transfer allowances