Current Report Articles
U.S. Census Bureau's New 'Urban Area' Designation Impacts Rural Health Clinic Designation

Census Bureau (March 24, 2023) – On Dec. 22, 2022, the U.S. Census Bureau redefined the definition of 'Urban' and 'Rural.' There are three key changes to the Census Bureau's urban area concept and criteria:

  • Increased the minimum population threshold to qualify as urban from 2,500 to 5,000 and added an alternative: instead of qualifying based on population size, areas can now qualify based on a minimum housing unit threshold
  • Use of housing unit density instead of population density
  • No longer distinguish between different types of urban areas

Under the new criteria, to qualify as urban, an area must encompass a minimum of 5,000 people or a minimum of 2,000 housing units. It is unclear the full impact this rule change has on new rural health clinics in Kansas. Please find a template letter members can utilize to contact the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to express your concern with this rule change. Once you have filled out the template letter, please send to and
--Shannan Flach